June 29, 2024

What are three weird symptoms of an oncoming heart attack?

In movies, heart attacks are sometimes shown vividly as crushing chest pain extending down the left Arm. Although this is a traditional sign, heart attacks can show themselves in an unexpected range—some quite unusual. Three odd symptoms suggesting you could be having a heart attack are:

Back, neck, or jaw pain

The Hollywood picture of heart attack suffering centers on the chest. Blockages limiting blood flow to the heart, however, can also produce pain in apparently unconnected locations. An indication that something is amiss with your heart could be discomfort in the jaw, neck, or even the back.

The reason this occurs is that occasionally the nerves in the jaw, neck, and back cross with those that carry pain signals from the heart. These nerves can fire off when the heart runs low on oxygen, simulating pain in strange places.

What it feels like: The agony can range. It could be pressing sensation, a subtle aching, or a severe pain.

Important Note: A dental condition or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction can also cause jaw pain. Common causes of neck and back discomfort are tension or strain of the muscles. If you have any of these symptoms, particularly in conjunction with other heart attack symptoms (such as sweating or dyspnea), you should visit a doctor very away.

Quick, Strong, Overwhelming Despair

Although anxiety is a normal human feeling, it can change after a heart attack into something far more acute and focused. One indication your body is in trouble is a sudden, intense sense of approaching catastrophe or dread.

Why does it happen? Although the precise cause is unknown, the body’s fight-or-flight reaction set off by the heart attack may have some bearing. Adrenaline and other chemicals can set off strong anxiety and a sense of approaching catastrophe.

What it feels like: This can be rather horrific. You might have extreme anxiety, believe something horrible is about to happen, or even a sense of approaching death.

Important Note: Many circumstances might cause anxiety. There is probably another reason if you are feeling this way for the first time and other heart attack symptoms are not accompanying it. On the other hand, err on the side of caution and contact a doctor if this extreme anxiety strikes abruptly and you have other worrisome symptoms.

Vomiting and Unexplained Nausea

Though they can potentially be indicators of a heart attack, especially in women, nausea and vomiting are usually linked with the stomach virus or food poisoning.

Why does it occur? Some of the neural system pathways used in the digestive tract and the heart are shared. Under stress, the heart can irritate these channels, causing nausea and vomiting.

It could feel like nausea, vomiting, or both. It can feel like what a stomach bug might cause.

Important Note: Common occurrence with numerous causes is nausea and vomiting. It becomes cause for concern if it is accompanied by other heart attack symptoms such coughing, dyspnea, or chest pain.

Remember: See someone if in doubt! Minimizing damage and optimizing results from a heart attack depend on early intervention. Call 911 or go straight to your closest emergency department if you have any combination of these strange symptoms plus more classic heart attack symptoms like shortness of breath or chest discomfort.